Shrub Green Luster Holly
Green lustre japanese holly. Sky pencil japanese holly ilex live plant upright growth habit.
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collection Shrub green luster holly gratuit
Green lustre holly japanese holly is a dense slow growing broadleaf evergreen shrub native to northeast asia. Sky pencil holly shrub. Evergreen shrub with dense growth ideal for hedges. Ilex crenata green lustre. A low growing handsome shrub with dark green lustrous foliage.New brighter blooms 3 gal. The small shiny dark green leaves resemble those of boxwood. Japanese holly plants ilex crenata grow into dense rounded bushes between 3 and 10 feet tall and wide with lustrous leaves and a compact habit. Good replacement plant for boxwood. Green luster holly ilex crenata green lustre luster shrubs other common names.
Botanical Creations Plant List
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