(Téléchargement Gratuit) Ribes Sanguineum Haie
Ribes sanguineum red flowering currant. Flowering currant or red flowering currant is a species in the grossulariaceae currants and gooseberries family that is native to western coastal north america from central british columbia south to central california.
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Archibald menzies is regarded as the first european to discover ribes sanguineum which he did in 1793 during his voyage with capt. The drooping clusters of light to deep pink flowers are one of the first things to bloom here in the pacific northwest happily corresponding to the time when hummingbirds are in migration to their eventual summer breeding grounds. Ribes sanguineum is a great choice for either restoration or landscaping near the home. It does not have a wonderful flavour but is tolerable raw. It can be harvested when still firm in august and when stored carefully will keep until november by which time the flavour has improved slightly.Fruit raw or cooked. But behind the humble and frankly rather ill smelling pink bloom is a story of bravery and dreadful death. Leaves nearly round 1 3 in. Ribes sanguineum red flowering currant red flowering currant is the most common ribes found in gardens and landscapes. Ribes sanguineum pursh rye beez sang gwin ee um names.
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