(Téléchargement) Berberis Atropurpurea
Genus berberis can be deciduous or evergreen shrubs with spiny shoots bearing simple often spine toothed leaves and small yellow or orange flowers in axillary clusters or racemes followed by small berries. Japanese barberry as it is called commonly is adaptable to the urban environment as it can handle a fair amount of pollution and the occasional spell of drought.
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Berberis atropurpurea complet gratuit
Birds like the barberry fruits so they can be a good addition to a wildlife border. Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea is a quick growing shrub with attractive purple red foliage. It typically matures to 5 tall and as wide. Agracejo rojo agracejo púrpura berberis. Atropurpurea purple japanese barberry is always a spectacular addition to the landscape where it brings a strong color accent from spring to fall.Crece hasta 2 metros siendo habitual de 0 5 a 1 m. Berberis darwinii native to chile and argentina is upright evergreen and has small spiny leaves yellow flowers followed by blue berries. Incredibly beautiful award winning berberis thunbergii f. Berberis thunbergii atropurpurea will tolerate full shade though autumn colour flowering and foliage colour will be better in the sun or partial shade. In autumn the leaves turn a brilliant shade of red before falling.
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