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Noted for its luminous and attractive foliage euonymus fortunei emerald n gold wintercreeper is a low growing broadleaf evergreen shrub with a spreading habit. Radicans nc state university and n c.
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Cooperative extension which staffs local offices in all 100 counties and with the eastern band of cherokee indians. One of the most popular varieties of euonymous is wintercreeper euonymus fortunei. Spindle fortune s spindle climbing euonymus botanical name. The climbing shrub can grow up to 10 metres high usda zone. Browse pictures and read growth cultivation information about euonymus wintercreeper euonymus fortunei coloratus supplied by member gardeners in the plantfiles database at dave s garden.Eunonymous is an evergreen shrub that is part of the celastraceae family and native to east asia. The most frequently encountered problem with euonymus fortunei is powdery mildew even so it is not a common problem. 5 23 c edible. This disease affects new leaves far more than older leaves. Native to asia from japan to the philippines it has been widely used as an ornamental plant in temperate and sub tropical regions around the world.
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