(Télécharger) Viburnum Bodnantense Charles Lamont Dawn
The viburnum x bodnantense cross was performed at bodnant garden in 1934 1935. Le viburnum bodnantense charles lamont est un arbuste follement romantique qui choisit les jours les plus courts de l hiver pour offrir au jardinier sa floraison d un rose brillant au parfum d héliotrope a la faveur des périodes de redoux les rameaux nus de cette viorne de bodnant portent des bouquets de grandes fleurs d un rose vif en boutons s ouvrant en rose pâle toutes ces nuances.
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Viburnum bodnantense charles lamont dawn complet gratuit
Plant next to doorways or seating areas to appreciate the rich fragrance of its flowers. Dawn is a cultivar that was also developed at bodnant garden in 1934 35. Flowers are slightly larger and a brighter pink than dawn and have yellow anthers. Genus name comes from the latin name of a species plant. Grows 10 12 tall and about 2 3 as wide.Other common names arrowwood charles lamont family adoxaceae genus viburnum can be deciduous or evergreen shrubs with opposite simple or palmately lobed leaves and clusters of small often fragrant white or pink flowers followed by red blue or black berries. Viburnum x bodnantense deben has white flowers throughout the winter with a slight hint of pink. A sister seedling to v. Viburnum x bodnantense dawn is a fantastic winter flowering shrub bearing densely packed clusters of rose pink or blush white sweetly scented blooms on bare stems. Viburnum x bodnantense charles lamont gives excellent winter colour with pretty pink heavily scented flowers borne on the bare stems from november to march.
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