Trimming Tall Hedges
The idea of trimming tall hedges is still important despite the fact that a shrub has been trained in a manner that it can thicken to become a tall hedge. The best time to trim or cut hedges new hedges.
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This type of regular pruning will keep the hedge a specific size and shape. Trim the tops of hedges until the plants are approximately 2 feet tall in spring. See below for a shopping list and tools subscribe to this old house. Start by trimming the top face of the hedge to create a plane that is flush with the top guide strings. This tames hedges that have grown out of control.Hold the hedge trimmer as level as possible as you trim. 2 find long stems that grow out of hedge and snip them close to the ground. Hand pruners are useful for smaller branches. 3 where one stem branches into two cut just above the y shaped split. When pruning mature overgrown shrubs remove the thickest branches first.
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