Evergreen Shrubs With Red Berries
Emerald gaiety white album. The cotoneaster genus a member of the rose family has between 70 and 300 species.
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Bushes with evergreen leaves to contrast with their red berries make an even more striking display. Many types have variegated leaves tinged with gold and green or white which turn pinkish to red in for bright winter color. There are some red berry producing trees such as cherry trees and hawthorn trees that most people have heard of. Bushes or shrubs with red berries cotoneaster. The foliage turns red or purplish in winter before becoming green again in spring.Both types of these trees produce sweet or sour edible berry like fruits. The hobblebush virburnum alnifolium also called the american wayfaring bush. You should stay clear of red berries from trees such as holly trees and mistletoe trees. On many of these plants the bright fruit arrives early in the fall. Red berries are found on both evergreen types of trees and deciduous trees.
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