(Téléchargement) Edgeworthia Papyrifera
My wholesale supplier doesn t carry it because it hasn t proved hardy for them. Current thinking is that what we grow as edgeworthia chrysantha is a tetraploid a double set of chromosomes and the smaller growing non fragrant plant known as edgeworthia papyrifera is simply a diploid form of the same species.
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The species is hermaphrodite has both male and female organs and is pollinated by insects. Amazing spring blooms intensely fragrant. In january white flower buds begin opening to wonderfully fragrant golden yellow honeysuckle like flowers densely packed in round clusters that continue to april. Native to china and the himalayas e. Fragrant pale yellow flowers in february slender green leaves airy branching.Papyrifera in md and guided by plant envy i decided to try one up north but since e. Chrysantha was listed as hardier i decided to try it instead. Grows 6 x 6 sun part shade shade z6b. Edgeworthia papyrifera is reproduced by stem cutting. Papyrifera has been used to make fine paper for eons.
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