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Small Hydrangea Full Sun

Grow it in large containers as it can reach 54 to 72 inches high. Many gardeners face the dilemma of how to make a small space beautiful colorful and interesting.

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Small hydrangea full sun gratuit

Plus panicle hydrangeas are the hardiest hydrangeas. Amend with organic planting mix as needed when installing and add several inches of organic compost each spring. Hardy in usda zones 5 through 9 these dwarf hydrangeas thrive in full sun to part shade and generally need less water than other hydrangeas in sun. Not as fussy about soil ph as some hydrangeas but it must be fertile well fed and slow to dry out. While they can stand the sun these do just fine in partial shade too.

Learn more about dwarf hydrangea varieties here. Fire light is a showstopping dwarf hydrangea with flowers that open white in summer and blaze red by fall. Those with smaller gardens can still enjoy these plants by planting smaller varieties. It prefers full to part sun and is hardy in zones 3 to 9. Most hydrangeas prefer only morning sun.

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