(Téléchargement) Nandina Obsession Care
For most types of nandina take the tallest one third of the stems cleanly off at ground level each winter. Plant in a well mulched garden chunky mulch is recommended.
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Obsession has a compact dense growth habit and brilliant red new foliage all spring and summer. Instead they show a splayed out top growth that isn t the plants best look and not filling in below as most shrubs would after a tip pruning. Advertisement for best results grow in moist but well drained soil in partial shade in a sheltered spot away from strong winds. Nandina nandina domestica is a tough drought resistant evergreen or semievergreen shrub. Also called heavenly bamboo.Leaves turn a deep green as they mature. Obsession nandina nandina seika pp21891 home the collection obsession this new and distinctive nandina is a selection of gulfstream with brighter and longer lasting foliage color. With proper care expect your nandina to grow about 12 to 24 inches each year to maturity. Water regularly to establish. Pinkish white flowers bloom in late spring or early summer and the shrub s leaves turn a scarlet red during the winter.
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